Docker for windows vs virtualbox

I have VMWare VMs that are necessary for me to use. Installing Docker for Windows enables Hyper-V, which prevents you from being able to use VMWare Workstation or Player. In the future, I would like to see Docker for Windows be able to specify which Virtualization platform to use, Hyper V, VirtualBox or VMWare. I know that I could continue to use Docker Toolbox, but that is not the same on Windows 10. I could also install VMWeare Workstation in a VM and run my VMs nested, but that seems like an unnecessary Russian nesting doll of a setup for something that should just be possible. We already have a Workstation driver for docker toolbox. It seems to me that Docker for “X”, windows/mac, should be able to integrate with these drivers and I should be able to deploy my containers with Docker for “X” on any of those platforms, instead of it being tied directly to windows hyper v, or on mac, virtual box.

Perhaps in 1.13. Until then I will have to continue to use Docker Toolbox.

Docker For Windows Virtualbox Version


Docker For Windows Inside Virtualbox

Installing Docker for Windows enables Hyper-V, which prevents you from being able to use VMWare Workstation or Player. In the future, I would like to see Docker for Windows be able to specify which Virtualization platform to use, Hyper V, VirtualBox or VMWare. I know that I could continue to use Docker Toolbox, but that is not the same on. VirtualBox prior to version 4.3.30 must not be installed as it is not compatible with Docker Desktop. What’s included in the installer The Docker Desktop installation includes Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, Notary, Kubernetes, and Credential Helper. Therefore, I'm trying to use Windows inside of VirtualBox to install Docker, so that I can pull down a container (Kali) to perform my assessment. However, I've spent a little over 7 hours today troubleshooting. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with either Windows or my configuration settings. MongoDB document databases provide high availability and easy scalability.